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Text File  |  1985-04-10  |  34KB  |  81 lines

  1. editorial,commentary,Word Proof,IBM,speller,thesaurus            G. Estes                                     HOUSEKEEPING                                                     Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1               2Editorial commentary on the "Outstanding Programmer of 1983",    which this author awards to W. Modlin and D. Glickman, who wrote the spelling checker/thesaurus package called Word Proof (IBM).  
  2. help,Q&A,Warnier-Orr diagram,structure,BASIC,Calculator                                                       LETTERS                                                          Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1               31)Structured BASIC, 2)Programmer's Calculator releases,          3)Warnier-Orr diagrams.                                                                                                           
  3. interview,D. Jones,R. Rohde,consulting,Orthodontic System,dentist                                             PJ PROFILE                                                       Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1               5Interview with Darrel Jones and R. Rohde, computer systems con-  sultants (tips about software consulting).  Mr. Rohde has also   developed The Orthodontic System (accounting package).           
  4. excerpt,DTACK GROUNDED,BASIC,UNIX,6502,op code,80188             FNE                                          PJ FORUM                                                         Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1               8Excerpts from the journal DTACK GROUNDED: 1)Fable about BASIC    interpreter, 2)UNIX commentary, 3)6502 op codes, 4)80188 chip.                                                                    
  5. C language,tutorial,sorting                                      K. Smolek                                    "Sorting in C"                                                   Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              13Standard sorting methods using C are given (including listings).                                                                                                                                   
  6. PC WRITE,Quicksoft,word processor,shareware,user-supported       B. Wallace                                   "PC Write & Quicksoft"                                           Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              20Overview of PC WRITE (by Quicksoft), a word processor offered    under the shareware concept (user-supported software).                                                                            
  7. VOD,VDT,terminal,CRT,human,distress,syndrome,ion depletion       C. Wallach                                   "VODS: Video Operator's Distress Syndrome"                       Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              27Discussion of "video operator's distress syndrome (VODS)", a     classification of a variety of complaints from users of video    display terminals (VDTs) (author says caused by "ion depletion").
  8. tutorial,BASIC,compiler,line-numberless,structure                R. Moak                                      "Compiled BASIC - The Next Step"                                 Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              29Tutorial on ways to improve you code by means of the IBM BASIC   Compiler (e.g., to write line-numberless structured code).                                                                        
  9. tutorial,C language,assembly,video,utility,cursor,window         T. Reuss                                     "Assembly Modules for C"                                         Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              32A set of assembly routines are given for use as (video) utilitieswith the C language (Lattice/Microsoft): set cursor type, scroll window, position cursor, etc.).  Continued in article next month.
  10. tutorial,dBASE II,DBM,relational,select,locate,index,find        J. Bohle                                     "Database Relations - Select, Locate, Index and Find"            Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              34Tutorial on designing flexible database (dBASE II) relationships (listings given).                                                                                                                 
  11. Ultra Utilities,FreeSoft,public domain,utility,free,Norton       G. Estes                                     "Ultra Utilities"                                                Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              41Overview of The Ultra Utilities (by FreeSoft Company), a set of  free disk utility programs similar to the Norton Utilities.                                                                       
  12. review,P & S,Punctuation and Style,Oasis,english,author,writer   R. Wanderman                                 "Punctuation and Style"                                          Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              42Review of Punctuation and Style (by Oasis Systems), a proofread- ing program for processing documents (i.e., correcting punctua-  tion, grammer, etc.).                                            
  13. editorial,commentary,C language,UNIX                             G. Estes                                     HOUSEKEEPING                                                     Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2               2Editorial commentary on the increase in the interest in the      C language and UNIX.                                                                                                              
  14. help,Q&A,DOS 2.0,COMMAND.COM,PATCHER.BAS,bug                                                                  LETTERS                                                          Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2               31)Patch to DOS 2.0 COMMAND.COM, 2)PATCHER.BAS bug.                                                                                                                                                 
  15. interview,B. Kernighan,book,C language,UNIX                                                                   PJ PROFILE                                                       Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2               4Interview with Brian Kernighan, co-author (with D. Ritchie) of   THE C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE, who has just finished a book (with   R. Pike) entitled THE UNIX PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT.              
  16. commentary,Uniforum,UNIX,PC/IX,PCjr                              F. D. Greco                                  PJ FORUM - "Trying To Make An Elephant Do Break Dancing"         Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2               6Overview of the Uniforum comference in Washington, D.C. and the  current status of PC/IX.  Also, commentary on the PCjr and it's  future.                                                          
  17. C language,tutorial,stack,Heap,pointer                           D. Killen                                    "C What's On The Stack"                                          Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              10Tutorial on the C language, with special emphasis on the stack,  Heap, and pointer (includes example listings).                                                                                    
  18. BASIC,compiler,tutorial,optimize,speed,Ultra-Optimize,FreeSoft   W. Buchanon                                  "Optimizing a BASIC Program"                                     Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              16Tutorial on optimizing compiled BASIC programs, with the program Ultra-Optimize (by FreeSoft) provided for doing this (listing    given).                                                          
  19. tutorial,assembly,beginner                                       J. Auerbach                                  "Assembly Language Tutorial, Part I"                             Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              20Introductory tutorial on assembly language programming with      particular emphasis on concentrating only on certain aspects of  the language in order to speed up the learning process.          
  20. tutorial,C language,assembly,utility,date,time,disk,free space   T. A. Reuss                                  "Date, Time and Free Space"                                      Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              27Continuation of article in previous issue (C and assembly util-  ities/listings): date, time, and disk free space routines.                                                                        
  21. BASIC,tutorial,data input,full-screen                            R. Moak                                      "Full-Screen Input Routines"                                     Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              31BASIC subroutines are given as part of an input module that      allows the user to enter data in a full-screen editing mode.                                                                      
  22. tutorial,music,SOUND.A,C language,DeSmet C,C-Ware,assembly       R. T. McCrory                                "Music In C"                                                     Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              35Routines are presented that allow users of the DeSmet C Develop- ment Package (by C-Ware) to play music through the IBM PC speaker(makes use of SOUND.A assembly language code (listed)).          
  23. tutorial,dBASE II,printer,control,command,sequence,code,Okidata  J. Bohle                                     "A Printer Control Database"                                     Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              40Tutorial on controlling the printer with dBASE II (particularly  the Okidata ML92).                                                                                                                
  24. review,TOOLS2,VIEW MANAGER,Blaise,Pascal,C language,utility      C. Floyd                                     "TOOLS, TOOLS2, and VIEW MANAGER"                                Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              46Review of TOOLS, TOOLS2, and VIEW MANAGER (by Blaise Computing), a set of productivity tools for Pascal or C programmers.                                                                          
  25. C language,utility,support package,list                                                                       "C LIBRARY: C Programming Support Products"                      Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              50A list of C support packages is given.                                                                                                                                                             
  26. editorial,commentary,instruction set,System/370,humor            G. Estes                                     HOUSEKEEPING                                                     Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3               2Tongue in cheek instruction set for the IBM System/370 (humor).                                                                                                                                    
  27. commentary,UNIX,forecast,future                                  F. D. Greco                                  PJ FORUM - "Redirection in the PC/UNIX World"                    Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3               6Commentary on the UNIX Operating System becoming a standard OS   for microcomputers.                                                                                                               
  28. interview,Floyd,Salter,Klinzing,Post,developer,designer,prefer                                                PJ PROFILE - "Software Development Environments"                 Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3               9Interview with software designers (what compilers, assemblers,   editors, etc., do they prefer): Chet Floyd, Kurt Klinzing, Brett Salter, and Greg Post.                                           
  29. DataBurst,Truchas Grandes,application,utility,develop,design,toolS. Cabito                                    "DataBurst: Mainframe-Style Screen Management"                   Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              13Overview by a member of the development team of DataBurst (by    The Truchas Grandes Corp.), a tool that allows programmers to    design, edit, compile, and display application programs.         
  30. tutorial,assembly,beginner                                       J. Auerbach                                  "Assembly Language Tutorial, Part II"                            Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              17Introductory tutorial on assembly language programming with      particular emphasis on concentrating only on certain aspects of  the language in order to speed up the learning process.          
  31. tutorial,BASIC,graphics,windows                                  R. Moak                                      "Graphic Windows"                                                Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              24Tutorial on generating graphics within windows using BASIC.                                                                                                                                        
  32. PC Musician,sound,composition,editor                             C. Wiley                                     "PC Musician, A Composition and Editing System"                  Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              28Overview of PC Musician, a music composition and editing system.                                                                                                                                   
  33. tutorial,hybrid,BASIC,assembly,compiler,BIOS                     W. Buchanon                                  "Hybridizing Assembly and BASIC Compiler Routines"               Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              32Tutorial on how to include assembly language routines in compiledBASIC code (also, a look at the PC's built-in BIOS routines).                                                                     
  34. tutorial,dBASE II,application,screen,display                     J. Bohle                                     "Creating Screens"                                               Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              35Tutorial on creating application screens with classy coding      methods.                                                                                                                          
  35. tutorial,BASIC,Pascal,subroutine,link,time                       C. Morrell                                   "Linking Assembler Subroutines To Pascal And BASIC"              Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              38Tutorial on calling an assembler language subroutine from either interpretive BASIC or Pascal.  Example: Accessing the time of dayfrom DOS (identical assembly routine, different interface).      
  36. KERMIT,communication,protocol,standard                                                                        "KERMIT Communication Programs"                                  Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              40Description of KERMIT, a protocol for transferring sequential    files between computers of all sizes over ordinary asynchronous  communication lines (and how to obtain KERMIT).                  
  37. help,law,Pascal,Ada,Intel,public domain,magazine                                                              PJ LIBRARY                                                       Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              441)Lawyer's computer book, 2)Pascal and Ada journal, 3)Intel listsproducts running on their computers, 4)Public domain software    booklet, 5)Computer magazine table of contents (bi-weekly).      
  38. help,8087,free,FORTH,utility,mail list,public domain                                                          MISC.                                                            Prog. J.84/02 v.2 n.1              451)8087 application notes, 2)Free FORTH, 3)Free Ultra-Utilities,  4)Mailing list catalog, 5)Public domain software.                                                                                 
  39. help,DEBUG87,Rollins,Letus,magazine,ISV,Microsoft,graphics,mono                                               MISC.                                                            Prog. J.84/04 v.2 n.2              551)Rollins' DEBUG87, 2)Letus A-B-C magazine database, 3)Indepen-  dent Software Vendor (ISV) by Microsoft (free newsletter and in- formation), 4)Graphics on the monochrome display (code listing). 
  40. help,free,Programmer's Manual,Microsoft,ISV,law,newsletter                                                    MISC.                                                            Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              421)Free Programmer's Manual from Microsoft (ISV), 2)LAWYER'S PC   newletter, .....continued to next record.                                                                                         
  41. help,free,IBM seminar,database,AI,magazine,Pascal,DSSQ                                                        MISC.                                                            Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              42...cont from previous record.   3)List of AI related magazines & associations, 4)Pascal quarterly (DSSQ), 5)IBM seminars booklet, 6)Free software searching database.                              
  42. review,1dir,Bourbaki,utility,menu                                R. Wanderman                                 MISC. - "A Review of 1dir"                                       Prog. J.84/06 v.2 n.3              42Review of 1dir (by Bourbaki, Inc.), a "visual shell" to make DOS easier via a menu system.                                                                                                         
  43. editorial,commentary,reset button,reboot,Infomaniac,book         G. Estes                                     HOUSEKEEPING                                                     Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4               2Commentary on a new (inexpensive) reset button to force a reboot when the PC hangs up, and "Confessions of an Infomaniac" (new    book by Sybex).                                                  
  44. excerpt,DTACK GROUNDED                                           FNE                                          PJ FORUM                                                         Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4               4Excerpts from DTACK GROUNDED: THE 68000/16081 SYSTEMS JOURNAL,   Issue No. 30.                                                                                                                     
  45. interview,N. Colvin,Phoenix,ROM BIOS,compatible,MS-DOS                                                        PJ PROFILE                                                       Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4               9Interview with Neil Colvin, President of Phoenix Software, au-   thors of a new ROM BIOS for PC compatible computers running      MS-DOS.                                                          
  46. UNIX,mass storage,RISC,transputer,instruction set                F. D. Greco                                  REDIRECTIONS - "RISC, Transputers & Mass Storage"                Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4              13Potpourri centering around UNIX, mass storage, and Reduced       Instruction Set Computer (RISC).                                                                                                  
  47. protect,pirate,disk                                              R. Larratt                                   "The Future of Disk Protection"                                  Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4              17Essay on copy protection of software.                                                                                                                                                              
  48. tutorial,MASM,macro,assembly,8088,utility,function,procedure     R. Burk                                      "8088 Assembly Macros"                                           Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4              21Several time-saving MASM macros are given (for creating, enter-  ing, and returning from functions or procedures).                                                                                 
  49. tutorial,BASIC,random access file                                R. Moak                                      "Random Access Files in BASIC"                                   Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4              25Tutorial on random access files (BASIC).                                                                                                                                                           
  50. C language,utility,C Building Blocks,Novum Organum               W. Hillman                                   "C Utility Routines"                                             Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4              29Source code listing as an example of one of the (over 600)       routines included in C Building Blocks (Novum Organum).                                                                           
  51. PMATE,Landmark,editor,macro,tutorial                             R. E. Brown                                  "Using the PMATE Macro Language"                                 Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4              30Overview of PMATE (by Landmark Software), a text editor for the  IBM PC.  Examples given for writing PMATE macros.                                                                                 
  52. review,DBM,dBASE II,R:Base,KnowledgeMan,KMan                     J. W. Gowens                                 "KMan, dBASE II, & R:Base"                                       Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4              38Comparative review of dBASE II (by Ashton-Tate), KnowledgeMan    (by Micro Data Base), and R:Base (by MicroRIM).                                                                                   
  53. review,ES/P,Bellesoft,Pascal,editor,language-oriented,syntax     J. Gore                                      "ES/P: A Syntax-Checking Pascal Editor"                          Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4              45Review of ES/P (by Bellesoft, Inc.), a "language-oriented" editor(for Pascal in this case).                                                                                                        
  54. help,free,magazine,SENSOR,gadget                                                                              MISC.                                                            Prog. J.84/08 v.2 n.4              47SENSOR-a (free) magazine about sensory gadgets.                                                                                                                                                    
  55. editorial,commentary,Periscope,debugger,protect,pirate           G. Estes                                     HOUSEKEEPING                                                     Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5               2Commentary on: 1) Periscope, a debugger package, and 2) the      disasters of disk protection.                                                                                                     
  56. help,Q&A,printer,MX-80,Epson,control code,command,sequence                                                    LETTERS                                                          Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5               3Control codes (document) for the Epson MX-80 printer.                                                                                                                                              
  57. excerpt,DTACK GROUNDED                                           FNE                                          PJ FORUM                                                         Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5               4Excerpts from DTACK GROUNDED: THE 68000/16081 SYSTEMS JOURNAL,   Issue Nos. 31 and 32.                                                                                                             
  58. interview,Hunt,Lepkoff,Application Executive,APX CORE,dBASE II                                                PJ PROFILE                                                       Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5               6Interview with Paul Hunt and Danny Lepkoff of Application Execu- tive Corporation, producers of APX CORE---a multi-tasking, multi-windowing environment for concurrent running of dBASE, etc.      
  59. PC/IX,UNIX,FAT MAC                                               F. D. Greco                                  REDIRECTIONS - "PC/IX, UNIX Support, FAT MAC"                    Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5              10Potpourri centering around UNIX, PC/IX, and new high end micro   code named FAT MAC.                                                                                                               
  60. tutorial,C language,COM_C.ASM,assembly,.COM                      D. Rollins                                   "The C Bandwagon"                                                Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5              13Tutorial on C language by well known author who normally special-izes in assembly language.  Listing for COM_C.ASM, which creates a COM-format file from a Microsoft C program.                    
  61. tutorial,BASIC,assembly,SCROLL.BAS,screen,clear                  K. F. Thompson                               "Scroll Control Using BASIC and Assembler"                       Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5              17Listing of SCROLL given, an assembly language subroutine that canbe called from a BASIC program when you want to clear the screen "with a little added finesse".                                   
  62. tutorial,assembly,screen,I/O routine,speed                       J. Rayhawk and S. Radzio                     "Screen I/O Routines"                                            Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5              29Divided into two sections, this article discusses some of the    technical issues involved in developing faster screen I/O rou-   tines and gives a detailed description of how they work.         
  63. tutorial,BASIC,random access file,header record                  R. Moak                                      "Header Records in Random Access Files (Part II)"                Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5              36Second tutorial on random access files (BASIC).                                                                                                                                                    
  64. review,RTool,BitWit,utility,scratchpad,macro,notepad             J. Gore                                      "RTool, A PC-Resident Programmer's Toolkit"                      Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5              38Review of RTool (by BitWit Software), a resident program with a  set of general purpose functions: 1)Scratchpad mode, 2)Macro     mode, 3)DOS mode, and 4)Help mode.                               
  65. review,dBKey,Metronomics,assembly,utility                        W. Hillman                                   "Calling Assembly Routines From dBASE II"                        Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5              41Review of dBKey (by Metronomics), a set of assembly language     routines for dBASE II.  [Editor's note states that the name      dBKey will soon be changed to something else].                   
  66. tutorial,Pascal,pointer                                          C. Floyd                                     "Link Up To Pascal's Pointer Power"                              Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5              44Tutorial on using pointers in Pascal.                                                                                                                                                              
  67. help,bug,TOOLS,hybrid,BASIC,compiler,assembly                                                                 MISC.                                                            Prog. J.84/10 v.2 n.5              48Corrected listing for article "Hybridizing Assembly and BASIC    Compiler Routines" by W. Buchanon (PJ, v.2 n.3 p.32).                                                                             
  68. editorial,commentary                                             G. Estes                                     HOUSEKEEPING                                                     Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6               2General commentary on how much the editor loves programming.                                                                                                                                       
  69. help,Q&A,shareware,HAL-PC,FMT.BAT,FORMAT                                                                      LETTERS                                                          Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6               31)Houston/HAL-PC/Nelson Ford/shareware, 2)FMT.BAT for FORMATing  disks alternatively in drives A and B.                                                                                            
  70. interview,B. Salter,Data Base Decisions,Periscope,debugger                                                    PJ PROFILE                                                       Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6               5Interview with Brett Salter, creator of the symbolic debugger    called Periscope (Data Base Decisions).                                                                                           
  71. excerpt,DTACK GROUNDED,Intel,80286,chip,microprocessor,bug       FNE                                          PJ FORUM - "Intel 80286 Bugs"                                    Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6               8Excerpts from DTACK GROUNDED: THE 68000/16081 SYSTEMS JOURNAL.   Particular emphasis on the Intel 80286 chip.                                                                                      
  72. AT&T,VENIX,LCD,printer                                           F. D. Greco                                  REDIRECTIONS                                                     Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6              12Potpourri: 1)AT&T and VENIX, 2)LCD printers.                                                                                                                                                       
  73. tutorial,C language,field,pointer,subtraction                    R. Jaeschke                                  "Field Usage and Pointer Subtraction in C"                       Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6              15C language tutorial on fields and pointer subtraction.                                                                                                                                             
  74. tutorial,BASIC,calendar,date,day                                 J. Gazdar and R. Shroff                      "Calendar Functions for BASIC"                                   Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6              17Descriptions (including listings) of BASIC subroutines for       calendar functions.                                                                                                               
  75. tutorial,8088,memory,segment                                     B. Salkin                                    "Memory Segmentation"                                            Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6              23Tutorial on 8088 memory segmentation.                                                                                                                                                              
  76. Pascal,.EXE,size,reduce,tutorial                                                                              "Pascal Object Code Size Solution"                               Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6              31Blaise Computing presents a a partial explanation of their run-  time modification reducing the size of .EXE files (produced by   Microsoft/IBM Pascal compiler).                                  
  77. tutorial,DEBUG.COM,enhance                                       D. J. Jones                                  "Correcting Oversights in DEBUG.COM"                             Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6              33Among other tools to increase your productivity, the author      shows how to enhance DEBUG.COM.                                                                                                   
  78. review,dBASE III,Ashton-Tate                                     R. Moak                                      "dBASE II to dBASE III?"                                         Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6              39Comparative review of dBASE II and III (by Ashton-Tate): Is it   worth the trouble to make the change?                                                                                             
  79. review,ThinkTank,Living Videotext,organize,idea,thought,manager  T. Lichty                                    "ThinkTank"                                                      Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6              43Review of ThinkTank (by Living Videotext, Inc.), a software pack-age that organizes ideas in outline form.                                                                                         
  80. help,mainframe,tape,floppy,Lotus 1-2-3,free,catalog,bug,4-5-6                                                 MISC.                                                            Prog. J.84/12 v.2 n.6              451)Mainframe tape to floppy, 2)Free Lotus 1-2-3 product catalog   from 4-5-6 WORLD, 3)Corrected code listing for "C Utility Rou-   tines" by W. Hillman (PJ, v.2 n.4 p.29).                         
  81. \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \